MSB MUN 2022-2023

MSB MUN 2022-2023:

MSB MUN 2022-2023

The MSB Educational Institute Bangalore accomplished one more achievement by effectively putting together the third edition of  Intra-school MSB MUN (Model United Nation) on the 18th and the 19th of August 2022. The motivation behind this was to teach students about public speaking, discretion, critical thinking, influential composition and cooperation.It was designed to give our students a first hand experience of the procedure, as well as encouraging students to showcase their interest in research. Students learnt a lot from this first MUN experience which served as a stepping stone for participation in the many other MUN to come.

The topics were given prior to students for all Committees. Countries were also allotted. The topics given were as follows:

  1. DISEC: combating the problem of biowarfare and bioterrorism.
  2. ECOFIN: Measures to achieve greater integration of indiegnieous populations.
  3. UNESCO: Discussing the goals of Artificial Intelligence.
  4. UNHRC: Discussing the rights of women and children.
  5. WHO: Discussing the role of private organisations.
  6. UNEP: Measures to save Mangroves and other wetland areas.
  7. NATO: Discussing the membership of Ukraine.

Students were allotted the country and the committee along with the agenda that they had to research on. Students were also asked to prepare a position paper that was submitted prior to the event.

On the first day of the event, students were given an introduction to UN and MUN, followed by a speech from the secretary General. The students were then asked to disperse and assemble in their respective committee rooms. Once the students and the judges assembled, students presented their general speakers list and the first motion for the moderated caucus began.

On the second day of the event students seemed better prepared for the event and took part in the procedure of the meeting with utmost interest. Students actually transformed themselves into the leaders of the countries they were representing and discussed the issues at hand with confidence and stride. Students discussion led to an overall resolution for all the committees and final voting took place on that resolution.

The event ended on the most awaited part that was the results. 7 students were choosing as the best delegates from each committee and they were awarded the title of the “The Best Delegate”

Throughout these 2 days students learn the importance of working as a team as well the importance of critical thinking on any given matter or topic. They understood that any problem can be tackled effectively and efficiently if there is teamwork involved.

  • Centre:MSB Bangalore
  • Date:18 Aug,2022

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